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Giving and Receiving Rewards


PublicHAUS Rewards Contribution Retroactively#

At the end of each Season, Public HAUS holds a Retroactive Grading Event (RAGE).

This is time to review work completed and determine who has made meaningful progress toward the High Level Objectives (HILOs)

During a RAGE, Citizens and Champions may nominate themselves and others for recognition and reward.

Follow these steps to make a Recognition and Reward Nomination:#

  1. Navigate to the PublicHAUS Signals Page
  2. Select the current RAGE event from the list.
    • Note: RAGE events occur quarterly and last for 2 weeks.strategic-signal-session
  3. Click the Add Choice button at the top of the list and fill out the Create Objective form.quickstart-summon
  4. Complete the Add Signal Choice form using this template in the form description:
PublicHAUS RAGE Event [DATE]
Title: Include the project, team or person's name.
Description: Include how this contribution has supported development and usage of the DAOhaus stack and the greater on-chain DAO ecosystem. Include which objectives and manifesto sections it is in line with.
Link(s): Include links to the project's GitHub, Twitter or a site with more details. (Optionally include one link in the Signal form's LINK field)
Tags: Infrastructure + Dependencies | Tooling + Utilities | Education | High Level Objective | Manifesto
Core Team: Names or handles of any contributors for this project
Account: Any mainnet ethereum EOA, ENS, Safe or DAO treasury. It needs to be able to claim funds.
  1. Submit the completed form.

Follow these steps to vote for a Recognition and Reward Nomination:#

  1. Navigate to the PublicHAUS Signals Page

  2. Select the current RAGE event from the list.

    • Note: RAGE events occur quarterly and last for 2 weeks.
  3. Claim your shares by pressing the Claim Points button in the top right.

    • This gives you a balance of "PUB Points" equal to your current PUB Balance.
    • These PUB Points can be used to vote on this signaling eventquickstart-summon
  4. Allocate your PUB Points to the various RAGE nominees by allocating your points

  5. Finalize and Authorize the transaction

Congrats, you've helped reward PublicHAUS contributors for last quarter!#